(925) 381-2085

Education and Training

Protecting the safety of patients and developing the knowledge of your workforce will enable your organization to provide better quality care.  Responding to an infraction with “I didn’t know” when you “should have known” leaves your organization vulnerable to heavy fines and sanctions.  It’s important that all staff (not just management) know their responsibilities mandated under these regulations.  Therefore, providing education and training to your entire workforce is necessary to protect the well-being of patients, mitigate fines and penalties to your organization, and achieve compliance with State and Federal Regulations.

The team at RRCS, Inc. can help your organization develop and execute a training and education program covering Federal and State mandated in-services, ethics and compliance, risk management, security, auditing and appeals, and evidence-based best practice solutions.

Our education and training programs include:

  • Training and education webinars;
  • Presentations, outlines and supplemental materials; and
  • In-person sessions on-site